So simple


If things could always be this simple!

This week I went to a new practitioner. She is a naturalist and a chiropracter, and has multiple autoimmuntes, but not medicating.
She is young, and focussed, and I am going to give her a whirl.

Guess what she tells me? Pretty much all of my complaints are connected to Hashimotos. And how do we get to the root of Hashimoto’s and auto immunes? Well, we fix the gut. (no surprise here!)

She started me on a detox that works best with a paleo way of eating (which she was so stoked I was already doing, sort of) called ClearVite. It is actually tasty and no problem to do. Then we go into maintenance mode. On my own I started drinking more Kombucha, I like that too.

She has me working on a little test to determine if I am T1 or T2 dominant….this means eating alot of mushrooms and echinacea for a few days. I am already over the mushrooms people. I feel fine, but no more this week!

She is not bombarding me with supplements, which makes me very happy!

Now why have I made bad food choices every day this week! Could it be the mushrooms?
I required pizza last night. Gluten and all. Paying for it now.
I know better, I know how to eat right, yet every day it is a battle of choices.
That and I am ravenous this week! Maybe that is the ClearVite at work? I don’t know yet.

So for lunch today I was actually craving these healthy items….so good, so simple…it is what it is:

Leftover chicken, cold.
Sliced Cucumbers, cold.
Half of an avocado, cold.
Lemon squeezed over it all….a little salt.

There are blueberries too, just not in the pic…

This was yummy!
I admit I could still eat….
But busy hands and all….

Have a great afternoon everyone!
Would love to hear from you!