Every. Single. Recipe… Bacon Jalepeno Deviled Eggs!

egg tray
If this doesn’t make you want to run to the kitchen and boil some eggs….well!

So I am clearly a sucker for deviled eggs…and I always like to give a little twist to the tried and true!  They are so easy, and so many ways to dress them up!

egg halves
In Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind, you start as usual, boil some eggs!  You can easily alter the recipe to make as few or as many as you like!

Her base mix for the eggs is very basic, I had to punch up the salt a little, and might add a little dry mustard next time, just my own preference.  Because the big flavor comes with the topping!

egg yolks
Want a shortcut? Dice the raw bacon before you cook it….cooks way faster! Dump the cooked bacon bits on a paper towel to drain. I only needed 2 slices for 6 eggs…and that allowed me some nibbles along the way! (who doesn’t need a few bites of bacon on the way!)

Once you have stuffed your eggs, time to top them!  I definitely like a dash of paprika, for flavor and color!  Get generous with the bacon, and then your jalepenos!  NOW….another personal thing…I prefer chopped jarred jalepenos here….just the right amount of heat and pickle… plus raw jalepeno doesn’t always work for me.  But either way, the heat punch is so delicious!!one egg
Don’t you wish you had one in your had right now!!??

I know I do!  For yourself or for a crowd, this is a tasty twist on an old favorite!!

verticle eggs

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